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Weapon Checker


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Weapon Checker

In-Game Name: CG Commander Jaul

Suggestion: Add the Weapon Checker to ALL CG jobs

Reason for Suggestion: The swep has two uses:
Left click: Checks the illegal weapons/equipment that the target has [No wait time, instant]
- How it works is if the target has something OUT of their spawned equipment, it will be detected and given in chat.
[Example: If a 212th Ghost Company has their original loadout, and the left click is used, it will say that there are no illegal weapons on them, but if they picked up a E-5 from a downed NPC, it will say that in chat]

Right click: Confiscating the weapons [Has a 10 second timer so the person would need to be standing still to confiscate said weapons]
- Pretty self explanatory, takes the weapons from said person.

Reload: Give back confiscated weapons
- Again, self explanatory, if a mistake was made or when weaponry needs to be returned, this allows that

This will fix the issue where people have weapons/equipment they arent allowed to have during/after events or when stripping fugitives, but all we can do is ask for them right now is to hand it over in /rp or they do /dropweapon. Sadly this wont fix the issue of contraband such as spice, candy and such, but it will enhance the roleplay within those aspects. Certain rules will be in place to ensure this is not abused/used accordingly. Obviously we won't go around confiscating and force RPing things, any misuse will be severely punished. With this it gives a lot of opportunities, especially in Landing Protocol when we need to confiscate their weaponry before escorting, we take it, then give it back to them when they are leaving.

- This was voted on and passed in a Coruscant Guard Regimental Meeting.
- If required, further development could be made on this swep.

Steam Links: None

Image/Videos Referenced: None

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