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[Medium] TFA firerate bug

Siren Head

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TFA firerate bug

Description: Certain TFA weapons, within a certain RPM range, like ARC westar and RC DC-17m just break and shoot slower than meant too. In westar and DC-17m case, they meant to shoot at/have a listed rpm of 450rpm but only shoot at around 350 (100 less). Not sure what other/how many other weapons suffer from but recon is a good few that shoot slower than listed.

Almost certain is a problem to do with how TFA uses tickrate, always was on the server that shall not be named. Can even see in some events that are shithousing where the tickrate changes and weapon shoots fast again for small bursts. So almost certain altering/changing tickrate in a way that doesn't affect anything else would probably fix.

Worked completely fine for first few weeks of server then broke after some change and been a problem for while now and after 2 server maintenance/rebuild things, is still not fixed after put in reports. If is no actual fix, on server that shall not be named, devs literally just upped the listed RPM stat of the gun by +100 to compensate and fixed it fine.

Replication: Shoot with westar-M5 or DC-17m or potentially any gun in the like 400+ rpm range (although certain weapons like minigun are fine so) and shoots slower than meant too.

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