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[Out of Character] Adjust required rank for medic (and potentially other specializations)


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Adjust required rank for medic (and potentially other specializations)

In-Game Name: 212th PFC 4373 Deno

Suggestion: Change the rank required to join medic to something a bit lower.

Reason for Suggestion: 1) Right now there's a significant gap between joining a battalion and getting a role within it. You must grind out promotions for a few days/weeks before transitioning from a basic trooper (excluding sub-battalion as currently 2ndAC is full and in general these aren't targeted toward lower enlisted ranks). This should be a time when the player experiments with different roles (marksman, medic, engineer, driver) but is instead mostly spent waiting.
2) There is frequently a lack of medics, particularly during off-hours or when forces are split up.
3) By the time you are able to become a medic, there are much better options available. Why would I strive to be a medic when instead I could be ARC?
4) I want to be a medic, but I don't want to be in a leadership position. People ranked SGT are expected to command others and take control, which really isn't too desirable for me.

I assume based on the rules limiting max medic slots and the rank requirements that there was an over-abundance of medics at some point however I don't feel that directly limiting who can become a medic is the correct response to this. Medic RP is one of the most common forms of RP that happens on these servers and limiting it to 4 people per battalion is a bit silly. Perhaps a better solution would be to just limit the number of medics online at a time, but that's not what this suggestion is focused on.

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I agree with some points, but i disagree with the part about having only allowed a certain amount of medics on at the same time. At that point it  becomes a balance issue. For example, if you have every other regs with max medics online, and someone from a reg that has no medics comes on as a medic, does some on the others have to switch? It just becomes a hassle. I know this wasnt the main part of ur suggestion, but though't i'd comment on it.

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2 minutes ago, Blacksea said:

I agree with some points, but i disagree with the part about having only allowed a certain amount of medics on at the same time. At that point it  becomes a balance issue. For example, if you have every other regs with max medics online, and someone from a reg that has no medics comes on as a medic, does some on the others have to switch? It just becomes a hassle. I know this wasnt the main part of ur suggestion, but though't i'd comment on it.

I meant it more like the battalion specialist rules,
[2.2] Maximum of 3 in the job at any one time - 1 Specialist Leader, 2 Regular Specialists
setting a limit of number of online medics within a battalion, not server wide.

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I believe this should be an In-Character suggestion and is entirely up to the discretion of Blacksea as CMO & Moonman as ROMO.

I'd recommend to Blacksea that opening the regimental medics to LCPL+ wouldn't be a problem, although I'm pretty sure all regiments but 327th are full anyway, so this wouldn't make much of a difference at all.

I'll also caution to leave the regimental specs out of this and allow the regiments themselves to dictate those rank requirements.

As for your second point, I'm going to emphasize the fact that you've noted "off-hours" being the problem. This will always be a problem for total numbers in general. However, if the medics for your regiment are full then reducing the rank requirement for them won't solve this issue at all as if they're online then they're just going to be offline and there's nothing you can do about that.

For your third point, I'd argue it's all about play style. Some people would actually prefer to become a medic & sub-battalion (as you can be both), you could join a spec instead or you could try and get into ARC, but ARC isn't guaranteed and is very much harder than getting into medics.

In regards to your fourth point; I understand your hesitation about taking on a leadership position as a medic with the rank of Sergeant (SGT). However, there are valid reasons for having medics with leadership responsibilities.

  • Leadership can help you coordinate medical support more efficiently, ensuring prompt care for wounded soldiers and organized responses during chaotic situations.
  • It fosters team unity and clear roles during high-stress scenarios, improving overall performance.
  • Leadership doesn't mean total control; you can guide without micromanaging, ensuring smooth team operation.

In summary, leadership as a medic complements your role, benefiting your team's performance, cohesion, and your own progression within the regimental medics without taking full control, but I also agree that it isn't required completely.

I would leave this up to the CMO to decide In-Character

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After looking through this & consulting the current Chief Medical Officer your suggestion has been:


The new rank requirement to become a medic will be set to the rank of Lance Corporal (LCPL)
(If deemed to be an issue, can always be reverted at a later date)
Brigadier General Magma

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