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Republic Commandos


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Republic Commandos

Republic commandos were elite clone troopers that served in the Grand Army of the Republic's Special Operations Brigade during the Clone Wars. A result of the Kaminoans' genetic experimentation with the Jango Fett template and trained by the Mandalorian Group, "Cuy'val Dar", they were special forces soldiers noted for their elite status in the clone army.



Wamblez - Kal Skirata

Kal Skirata—sometimes called Kal'buir (Mando'a for "Papa Kal") by the clone commandos that he trained—was a Human male Mandalorian instructor who trained clone commandos in the Grand Army of the Republic during the time of the Separatist Crisis. Kal was brought to Kamino when he answered Jango Fett's call for trainers for the clones, joining the ranks of the Cuy'val Dar.




Delta Squad

Delta Squad was a squad of clone commandos serving under the Galactic Army of the Republic. The squad was trained by Walon Vau, but later put under the service of training sergeant Kal Skirata, and Jedi Generals Bardan Jusik and Etain Tur-Mukan.

Star Wars - Delta Squad (Clone Commandos) Complete Music Theme - YouTube

- Scorch


Squad Lead Leo - Boss

RC-1138, also known as Boss, was a Clone Commando Sergeant and the Leader of Delta Squad, who, under 38s leadership, completed some of the most dangerous missions the Clone Wars had to offer.


"Alone against all these droids...heh, they don't stand a chance."
- Boss

Sergeant Rugrat - Fixer

Fixer, also known as RC-1140 or Four-Oh was a clone commando in Delta Squad during the Clone Wars and served with  with Sev, Scorch, and Boss as the other members. Fixer was known for his professionalism in his work and him wanting to do his job according to procedure. He was an expert at data slicing and was considered the technology expert of Delta Squad.


"They really ought to shut the system down at night and password-protect the start-up."
"And that would slow you down how long, exactly? Thirty seconds?"

- Fixer, Scorch

Commando Anton - Scorch

Scorch, also known as RC-1262 or Delta-62, was a clone commando and demolitions expert in Delta Squad during the Clone Wars. Scorch fought alongside the other members of his squad on many missions. He often cracked jokes, even in the middle of battle.

"Scorch, sooner rather than later, okay?"
"One minute, tops."
"We haven't got a minute....."
"What d'you want me to do, chew through it?"

- Boss, Scorch

Sergeant Kvist - Sev

Sev, born RC-1207 and also called Delta-07 or Oh-Seven, was a clone commando in Delta Squad. The squad's assigned sniper and medic, Sev had fierceness in fighting and was an efficient killer. He was well known for his grim sense of humor and extreme hatred of the Geonosians. His hatred was so intense that he kept a count of all the Geonosians that he killed. An excellent marksman, he carried a DC-17m sniper rifle as his weapon of choice.


"Maybe Palpatine will have to start recruiting citizens."
"I'd rather work shorthanded than have to serve with mongrels. You've seen what they're like as fleet officers. You want them as infantry?"
"At least the war would be over quicker. We'd win or lose horribly."
"True. Brutal, but true."

- Scorch, Sev 

Edited by Wamblez
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